I just got home from the doctor and I have been cleared for ALL activity! Time to get this baby weight off! I am so ready to fit into my clothes again... Every Wednesday I will post about my weekly progress and I hope that YOU ( my readers ) will keep me accountable! I have officially cut out Coke and Fast Food and will be fixing all of my meals at home. Kevin and I are both ready to get back to our pre-baby healthy lifestyle. I am not going to get too low in my calories b/c I am breastfeeding, but the healthy eating and working out should do the trick for now! I would like to lose 18 lbs by this summer and then the last 7-10 by November. I am giving myself a year to get this off. That is how long it took me to lose my weight the first time. Now if it comes off faster than that, I will be happy. Heres to my new journey! We will see how easy it is to fit my workouts in AND be a mom AND work AND cook AND clean, BUT! I am ready for the challenge.
I also start work back up this week. 14 office hours and 3 teaching hours. YIKES! Luckily Willa gets to go with me : )