Hello readers! I am less than a week out from my third trimester and realized I have not blogged in a loooooong time! There are MANY reasons's for this! I am working a lot lately, I have been taking care of my husband (he had surgery on his achilles), and my computer has not been working properly for the last month. This weekend my computer finally kicked the dust. I knew it was happening but I am sad : (. I have had this thing for like 6 years! I knew it was time for a new one just tried to hold off as long as possible. Kevin and I are going to Best Buy tonight to pick up a new laptop! I am very excited to say the least! I will hopfully have all of my data up and running on my new comp by the end of this weekend.
Here is a little survey to catch you up on my pregnancy by 26 1/2 weeks:
Mother Name: Liz
Age: 27
Father Name: Kevin
Age: 30
How far along are you now?: 26 1/2 weeks
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes : )
My BABY: Due date:: Decemeber 29th 2010
Do you want to know the sex?: Yes it is a girl!
Any intuitions?: Yes... They were wrong. I thought it was going to be a boy
Any Old Wives Tale for Gender? The pin on a string...it said GIRL!
Do you know the sex?: Girl
Any names?: Willa Christina Rock
Any ultrasounds?: One at 7 and again at 19 weeks....I will be getting another on in two weeks from today!
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes, my favorite part about going to the doctor!
Who do you think baby will look like?: I am not sure but if she were to have a feature from her daddy it would for sure be his big lips! From me....I hope she gets my eye color!
Will baby have any siblings?: Judging by this pregnancy...not for a loooong time!
Have you felt baby move?: ALLLLLLLLL the time! It is the best part about being prego!
Did you have any cravings?: for the first few months fast food only would do... now I am wanting healthier stuff. I also have to hit up starbucks for a decaf mocha frap daily!
Did you have any mood swings?: Not really but I have had maybe 3 or 4 cry sessions over the last 6 months. Not too many. I am def not cranky or the "B" word.
Are you a high risk pregnancy?: Possibly, I have placenta previa. I will find out in two weeks if it has gotten any better or not. If not I will have to have a c-section. PRAY!
Any complications?: None so far. Keeping my fingers crossed to stay that way.
Formula or breastfeeding?: breastfeeding
Have you bought anything for baby yet?: YESSSSSSSSSS! I love to by her things! Mostly clothes and shoes : )
When did you start to show?: Really started showing around 13 weeks.
Are you excited?: Ecstatic!
Who will help with baby after their born?: My sister will be intown to help for a bit and of course Kevin! My parents also live 5 mins away too! I am so blessed to have such a great support system!
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: Feeling the baby move around! Also knowing that I get to have a sweet baby girl at the end of all of this is exciting on a daily basis.
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: being sick for 4 months! BACK PAIN! just down right uncomfortable!
What’s one thing do you miss doing since being pregnant?: Dancing! And have a glass of wine every now and then.
Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?: Hmmm pretty much the first trimester and a half! I was greatfull for the blessing but it was VERY hard to keep my eyes on the prize some days...
Are you ready for baby?: NOOOOO I have SO SO SO much to do! I have to paint the dresser, order the furniture, sew the bedding/curtains, and put together everything we get from the showers!
Do you have insurance?: Yes!
How many kids do you want?: Hmm probably just 2 : )
Do you talk to your baby?: not really... I have before but it seems kinda weird.
Do you still feel attractive?: Not really, I think that has a lot to do with what I went through right before I got prego.
Have you had your baby shower yet?: My first one with my family is coming up next month! So excited! Then my best friends are throwing me one in Novemeber!!!!
Do you like kids?: I hope so I have worked with them for over 13 years!
What is your biggest fear? That she will come really early! I watch all those baby shows and a lot can go wrong! I am just not sure how I would handle having to leave her at the hosptial. My best friend Zip had to go through this just 3 months ago and she was such a great example to me on how to trust in God's sovereignty in a situation like this!
Well that's all fellow bloggers! Hope to update you with a pic soon!
3 weeks ago
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