Monday, September 28, 2009

A Little Brag Sesh

My sister's sister in law is an awesome photographer and she gets AMAZING pics of her kids all the time! LOVE IT! This past week she took some photos and I just got a glimpse of them. BEAUTIFUL! Ruby is the most diva-litious baby of all time! She is always making the "prissy" face and is breathtaking! Of course I am partial because I am her aunt! Oh! Did I mention my sister? She is crazy beautiful too! UGH! Unfair! So without further adieu here are the pics and some other ones Julie has taken of my sis and her fam!


  1. OMG I am in LOOOOVVVEEEEE with that first photo of your niece. SOOOOOOOO adorable!! I hope that I have a little girl one day to dress her up =)


  2. awesome!!! I want her to take our pics!!!haha

  3. that first pic is absolutely PRESH. totally a diva in the making :)
